Field trips aligned with Common Core State Standards are a regular part of the curriculum at Montgomery. Students visit sites such as the California Academy of Sciences and Planetarium, Peter's Pumpkin Patch, Outdoor Education Camp, Luther Burbank Center for the Arts, Grays Harbor Tall Ships Trips on San Francisco Bay, The Exploratorium, Fort Ross State Park, Sonoma Coast State Park, Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve, California Railroad Museum, and more where they participate in experiential learning and enrichment activities. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend class outings and to participate in all preparation and follow up lessons. Please check the monthly Plan Ahead sent home at the beginning of each month to view upcoming trips for each class.
School gardening sessions offer students the opportunity to gain hands on life and environmental science experience while they learn to work cooperatively. Each class develops a plot according to curricular goals and creative design. Parents and community members are welcome to participate and share knowledge as projects evolve. Please contact your child's teacher if you would like to be a part of Montgomery's School Garden.
Music with Mr. Music is an exciting part of our schedule at Montgomery. Mr. Music shares his wide range of musical talent and experiences with students every other Friday. Classes participate in music education, dance, ukulele playing, singing, and learning about other cultures through his variety of instruments and lessons.
Upper grade students work hard all year to complete the task of designing and editing our annual Yearbook. From the first day of school until mid-May you will find them on location taking photos, conducting interviews and editing as they rush to meet deadlines. Creativity and fun meet with hard work, long hours and peer collaboration until the final product is complete. As a reward for their diligence and service to our school, they are afforded the first peek at the sleek, all color, unopened pages. Celebrate the year with these students and purchase your yearbook from Taryn in the office. Yearbooks will be delivered during the last week of school.